Thursday, 27 November 2014

EMDR Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy has been used for over two decades to heal anxiety, depression, anger, and the many more symptoms of having unprocessed memories in our brains. Whether we've experienced small or major trauma, and whether we are aware of the foundation of our issues, EMDR will desensitize disturbing and painful thoughts, sensations, images, and emotions, and turn around our negative beliefs. Self better explains the theory behind the therapy, and what to expect from self-administeredEMDR. It provides a framework for self-help so that you can apply the 8 stages of EMDR correctly without the need of a therapist.

Self-Administered EMDR Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a one-on-one form of psychotherapy that is designed to reduce trauma-related stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms associated with posttraumatic stress disorder and to improve overall mental health functioning. Treatment is provided by an EMDR therapist, who first reviews the client's history and assesses the client's readiness for EMDR.  

Amid the arranging stage, the authority lives up to expectations with the customer to perceive a positive stockpiling connected with feelings of security or loose that can be utilized if enthusiastic issues connected with the upsetting stockpiling are enacted. The concentrate on unpleasant stockpiling for the treatment period is used with consideration regarding picture, negative observation, and body feelings. Tedious 30-second double consideration activities are directed in which the customer goes to an engine assignment while concentrating on the target traumatic memory and afterward on any related negative contemplations, affiliations, and body sensations.

The most common motor task used in EMDR is side-to-side eye movements that follow the therapist's finger; however, alternating hand tapping or auditory tones delivered through headphones can be used. The exercises are repeated until the client reports no emotional distress. The EMDR therapist then asks the client to think of a preferred positive belief regarding the incident and to focus on this positive belief while continuing with the exercises.
The workouts end when the consumer reviews with confidence comfortable emotions and a beneficial sense of self when remembering the target stress. The specialist and customer review the customer's improvement and talk about circumstances or situations that might induce emotional problems. These activate and beneficial pictures for appropriate future action are also targeted and prepared. In addition, the specialist requests the consumer to keep a publication, observing any material related to the stressful storage, and to focus on the previously recognized beneficial safe or relaxed storage whenever emotional problems associated with the stressful storage is activated.
The underlying mechanism for how this process works to reduce trauma-related stress, anxiety, and depression is unknown. Researchers have theorized that the positive effect is due to adaptive information processing, the theoretical model behind EMDR. Through adaptive information processing, the dual-attention exercises disrupt the client's stored memory of the trauma to allow for an elimination of negative beliefs, emotions, and somatic symptoms associated with the memory as it connects with more adaptive information stored in the memory networks. Once recall of the trauma no longer elicits negative beliefs, emotions, or somatic symptoms and the memory simultaneously shifts to a more adaptive set of beliefs, emotions, and somatic responses, it is stored again, overwriting the original memory of the trauma. EMDR is one of the most researched and fastest growing psychotherapies worldwide. The reason for its success is the high efficacy rate of the therapy. 

The reason for its success is the high efficacy rate of the therapy. Patients start feeling improvements much faster than with other therapies while it does not involve any drugs. The positive, long-term results of self administered EMDR therapy affect all levels of the person well-being – mental, emotional and physical, so that their responses return to normalcy and health. For more information visit the site .

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Treatment of Post-traumatic Stress Reactions

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychological method for treating emotional difficulties that are caused by disturbing life experiences, ranging from traumatic events such as accidents, assaults, illness, and natural disasters to upsetting childhood experiences that have had a lasting effect on one’s life. EMDR is a complex method that brings together elements from well-established theoretical orientations, including psychodynamic, cognitive, and behavioral and client centered approaches. For many clients, EMDR provides more rapid relief than conventional therapies.

While EMDR is best known for its treatment of post-traumatic stress reactions, it is also used to treat anxiety, depression, and other clinical presentations such as complicated grief reactions, phobias, and self-esteem issues. Self administered EMDR is also used to help alleviate performance anxiety and to enhance the functioning of people at work, on the playing field, and in the performing arts.

During an EMDR Period, the physician works with the consumer to recognize a specific issue or issue that will become the focus of the treatment session. Utilizing a structured method, the professional helps the customer identify an experience that relates to the issue, working on factors of the experience that continue to be upsetting to the customer in the present. As the customer focuses their attention on the focused event, the doctor activates eye movements.

Once the client is engaged in the experience, he or she is likely to experience various aspects of the initial memory or other memories that are associated with the targeted event. The clinician pauses with the eye movements at regular intervals to insure that the client is processing adequately on their own. The practitioner acts as a facilitator, making clinical decisions about the direction of the client’s processing during EMDR, in an effort to reach an “adaptive resolution” to the problem that was initially identified. EMDR is a client-centered approach that appears to activate an inherent healing mechanism in the brain that stimulates an information processing system. It allows the client to access a disturbing experience that has been a source of discomfort, and have the experience reprocessed in EMDR in a way that it is no longer a source of distress to the client. These experiences that were once stored in the brain in their original state are altered with EMDR. The physician uses EMDR to stimulate that encounter with all the ideas, emotions and body system emotions that are still associated with the encounter. Through the flexible details handling program in the mind, EMDR is able to stimulate desensitization and a reprocessing of that preliminary encounter, thereby providing it to a more flexible quality. While it is not obvious how EMDR works, there is continuous research of the possible systems involved. What is obvious is that existing day situations can resume pessimism, feelings, and physical feelings that occur from previously encounters that are distressing. This indicates that EMDR can change the organization of those encounters, significantly reducing the current problems about past and existing activities. For more information visit the site .

Self-help Treatments for Anxiety Disorders

Effective treatment helps people with anxiety to learn how to control the condition so it doesn’t control them. The type of treatment will depend on the type of anxiety being experienced. Mild symptoms may be relieved with lifestyle changes and EMDR selfhelp where symptoms of anxiety are moderate to severe, psychological or medical treatments are likely to be required.