Friday, 29 January 2016

Reprocessing a Memory with EMDR

EMDR therapy stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It is a brain based approach to adapting or reprocessing childhood experiences or more recent experiences that contribute to present day problems.  The information associated with these memories has gotten stuck or stored in your brain in a way that time and talk alone cannot shift.  The images, sounds, smells, physical sensations, emotions, thoughts and beliefs about yourself that you feel when you think about the memory now is what contributes to present day issues.  These stuck memories cause negative self-talk, anxiety, physical discomfort, and affect how you relate to others, cope with stress, or behave in certain situations.

Reprocessing a memory with EMDR doesn't mean talking about it in great detail. It means we access the memory, set up a learning state in the brain, and use bilateral stimulation to engage the right and left hemispheres of the brain to rapidly digest process and change the memory so it no longer creates distress for you.

EMDR therapy has been shown to be helpful in resolving many kinds of trauma and anxiety based symptoms including intrusive thoughts, panic, phobias, painful sensations, and emotional distress including excessive guilt, anger, grief and fear, recurring nightmares and such behavioral symptoms as avoiding formerly enjoyable activities. For more information visit the site

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Long-Term Results of EMDR Therapy

The positive, long-term results of EMDR Therapy processing, can affect all levels of the client's well being - mental, emotional and physical, so that their responses return to normalcy and health.  Studies consistently show that this information processing can result in elimination of the targeted emotion. The memory remains but the negative response is neutralized.

EMDR Therapy for Wide Range of Emotional Disorders

EMDR therapy represents a valuable addition to the Cognitive Therapist's armamentarium of techniques, helping people with a wide range of emotional disorders.  Research shows that it is fast, safe and effective and does not involve the use of drugs, or hypnosis.  When used as an adjunct to Cognitive Therapy EMDR processing can often be helpful in changing the meaning of early, painful memories, which have resulted in negative core beliefs and Early Maladaptive Schemas - events in our lives which when recalled trigger negative emotions, sensations and beliefs.

It is an acronym for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. An innovative clinical treatment that has successfully helped over a million individuals who have survived trauma, including sexual abuse, domestic violence, combat, crime, and those suffering from a number of other complaints.

This processing technique can bring quick and lasting relief for many types of emotional distress. EMDR uses a natural function of the body, Rapid Eye Movement as its basis. The human mind uses REM during sleep time to help it process daily emotional experiences.  There is some evidence that the eye movements perform a similar function to those that occur during REM sleep, which we already know to have a vital information processing function. The human mind uses REM during sleep time to help it process daily emotional experiences.  When trauma is extreme, this process breaks down and REM sleep doesn't bring the usual relief from distress. 

EMDR therapy comes is thought to be an advanced stage of the REM processing. As the brain via the eye-movement processes troubling images and feelings, resolution of the issue can be achieved. Normally, the individual processes disturbing experiences naturally. However, when a person is severely traumatized, either by an overwhelming event or by being repeatedly subjected to distress, this healing process may become overloaded, leaving the original disturbing experiences unprocessed. These unprocessed memories can be stored in the brain in a raw form where they can be continually re-evoked when experiencing events that are similar to the original experience.  

They are stored in the brain with all the sights, sounds, thoughts and feelings that accompany it. Therefore, the negative thoughts and feelings of the traumatic event are trapped in the nervous system. Since the brain cannot process these emotions, the experience and/or its accompanying feelings are often suppressed from consciousness. However, the distress lives on in the nervous system where it causes disturbances in the emotional functioning of the person.

It helps the brain to successfully process the experience. The therapist works gently with the client, guiding him or her to revisit the traumatic incident. When the memory is brought to mind, the feelings are re-experienced in a new way. EMDR makes it possible to gain the self-knowledge and perspective that will enable the client to choose their actions, rather than feeling powerless over their re-actions. This process can be complex if there are many experiences connected to the negative feelings. The EMDR sessions continue until the traumatic memories and emotions are relieved. For more information visit the site .

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Heart Attack Symptoms

Signs of anxiety and heart attack symptoms can seem similar because their signs and symptoms can be similar. But most medical professionals can quickly tell the difference as heart attacks have distinct symptoms that aren’t anxiety-like.

Anxiety Attack Symptoms

Anxiety attacks can feel awful, intense, and frightening. Because they can be powerful experiences, it can seem like we are helpless to control them. Signs of anxiety attacks include: A feeling of overwhelming fear, Feeling of going crazy or losing control, Feeling you are in grave danger, Feeling you might pass out, A surge of doom and gloom, An urgency to escape, Dizziness, Palpitations, Trembling, Sweating, Shortness of breath, Chest pressure or pain, Turning pale, Feeling detached, from reality, Weak in the knees, Burning skin, Pins and needles, Hot and cold flushes and Numbness and tingling sensations.   

The above anxiety attack symptoms can be accompanied by: Choking sensation, tightening throat, it feels like your throat is closing, it feels like something is stuck in your throat, Confusion, Depersonalization, Dizziness, lightheadedness, unsteadiness, Emotional distress, Emotional upset, Inability to calm yourself down, Knot in the stomach, tight stomach, Nausea, Panicky feeling, Pounding, racing heart, Butterflies in the stomach, Sudden urge to go to the bathroom and Feel like crying.

This list is not exhaustive. As you can see, there are many physical, psychological, and emotional Signs of anxiety and  attacks. For a more comprehensive list of anxiety symptoms and descriptions of what they feel like. There is a long list of signs and symptoms of an anxiety attack. But because each body is somewhat chemically unique, anxiety affects each person differently. Consequently, anxiety attack symptoms can vary from person to person in type or kind, number, intensity, duration, and frequency. If your symptoms don’t exactly match this list, that doesn’t mean you don’t have anxiety attacks. It simply means that your body is responding to them slightly differently.

For example, one person may experience only a few minor signs and symptoms of an anxiety attack, while another person may experience all of them and to great severity. All combinations and variations are common. Because there are many medical conditions that can cause anxiety-like symptoms, such as the strong sensations and feelings associated with anxiety attacks, it’s wise to discuss them with your doctor. If your doctor has attributed your attacks to stress and anxiety, you can feel confident that your doctor’s diagnosis is correct. Signs of anxiety and Anxiety attacks are relatively easy to diagnose and aren’t easily confused with other medical conditions. 

Anxiety attacks and their symptoms can last from a few moments to many hours. The length of attack is generally determined by how frightened a person is and how they react to what it is they are afraid of and/or their anxiety attack.  Even though the symptoms of an anxiety attack can seem powerful and even out of control, they aren’t harmful. Anxiety attacks and panic attacks are the same.  While it may seem like men and women experience different anxiety attack symptoms, they don’t. Since each person is somewhat chemically unique, signs and symptoms of an anxiety attack can vary from person to person and even from men to women. People of all ages can experience anxiety and panic attacks, including children, teenagers, and the elderly. For more information visit the site .